Have you every been so happy for the holiday season? Well every year i look forward to Christmas it's one of my favorite holidays come on the lights, the music, baking cookies with my kids, spending time with family that i don't get to see all the time, cooking Christmas dinner, watching movies, and so much more. And i look forward to the this holiday up to its time to go gift shopping because i never know what to get people and the kids are getting older so now they have there own things going on thing that there into none of them are the same and like i was thing i could get them gift card but that has no meaning to it so now i'm like what do i get them that they will like. And i have a big family my Mom has 6 kids and 3 of her kids has kids like my older brother has 7 kids my older sister has 3 kids and i have 1 of my own. Now like i said in my last post I'm a single mother of 3 girls well that because i adopted 2 of my older brothers long story there well tell another day. But only a had full of there are around the same age but still like different this and the youngest one just turned 1 years so it hared finding gift for all of them. and then you have the adult who when you ask then what they want all they say is I DON'T WANT NOTHING but get mad when you buy them something they don't like or didn't want. So like Christmas always give me #crazyvibes #pullmyhairout #momgoingcrazy But like the morning of Christmas seeing all the kid faces i think man i did it lol all that crazy running around worrying was all in my head.
Christmas Vibes 2021
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